Unbeatable Unfoot 2


creating the perfect base for any vessel

We can barely make Unfoot 2s fast enough to fill your orders — and for good reason! This tool creates a simple base for your vessel, undercuts the side of bowl, and ensures you keep a nice curve right where you want it. It’s the perfect tool for finishing off a piece on the wheel!
Here’s why we are celebrating the amazing Unfoot 2 this month:

  1. The undercut. Both sides of this tool can help make your form continue seamlessly down to the bat. It helps give your piece a finished look while it’s still spinning on the wheel.

  2. Gentle curves. Each side also has a slightly different curve that allows you to maintain the shape of your walls as you compress and remove material from the base of your piece.

  3. A flat and stable bottom. The straight bottom edge of this tool allows you to steady it while you work and keep a consistent shape against the clay while you gently hold the base on the bat.

  4. That handy little hole. It’s a feature of so many of our tools, but we can’t help but give it props again and again. The lovely beveled hole makes the tool easy to grip and keeps it from slipping out of your hands while working.


Here’s what a few of our fans had to say about their Unfoot 2 tools:

This is what I need! What a time saver.
— Instagram Fan @peachykeen57
It’s amazing. Your tools have made me a better potter!
— Instagram Fan @pottery_for_progress
It’s a mug maker.
— Instagram Fan @jinksandgrey